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Cameron Chapman

Cameron Chapman

Design Blog Editor




While there’s plenty of debate over how many principles of design 有12条经常出现在原则清单上吗(甚至它们是什么). These 12 principles, explained in the infographic below, include contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity (there are also some additional Gestalt principles of design).

These principles are often talked about separately, but in practice, 他们一起工作,创造一个视觉上吸引人的设计,并对用户有意义. Expert designers understand how the principles support, reinforce, 或者甚至相互对比来创造想要的效果.

Implementing the Principles of Design

Once a designer understands the basic design 原则,他们可以更有意地结合这些原则来创造 designs that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.

For example, contrast can be used to create emphasis.

Principles of design: contrast and emphasis

Highlighting “reshape industries” in a contrasting color draws the reader’s eye to that particular bit of text, 强调它并将其与周围的文本区分开来.



Making “Problem Solvers, Idea Makers & “宇航员”这一栏比页面上的其他文字要大得多,强调了这一栏.

重复可以用来在页面上创造节奏感. 这并不总是意味着有规律或交替的节奏. 如果有意重复,可以用来创造一种随机的节奏.

Design fundamentals: repetition and rhythm

这个网站的背景中重复的形状由于其不同的大小而创造了一种随机的节奏感, colors, and placement.

留白不一定要全白或者没有图案. In fact, subtle patterns can add visual interest to white space 同时仍然允许它在设计中作为一种视觉“呼吸空间”发挥作用.

Basic design principles: white space and pattern



Graphic design principles: variety and movement


重复通常会在设计中创造出统一性,而无需玩家付出额外的努力 designer. 但如果有意使用,它可以将这种团结提升到一个更高的水平.

Visual design principles: repetition and unity

Take the white backgrounds of the photos, consistent typography, and repeating image sizes and layout in this design. 设计中常见元素的重复创造了不同类别产品之间的统一性,否则这些产品可能看起来是脱节的.

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Design Principles Don’t Exist in a Vacuum

Combining design principles isn’t just limited to two at a time. 大多数真正伟大的设计至少结合了这些元素的一半,有时甚至更多.


This website uses a variety of principles: contrast between the hot pink and green; repetition in the patterns 鞋子、发型和太阳镜的使用和一致性; unity among the various outfits (which is further reinforced by the repeating patterns); and variety in the styles of outfits. 这是一个强有力的设计声明,遵循多个原则来创建一个 visually appealing and eye-catching website.

Combining multiple design rules

下面是另一个有效使用多种原则的设计例子. The large header creates emphasis 在那个特定的文本上,而较小的字体显得不那么重要,因为 proportion. The shapes in the background create a sense of random rhythm and movement, while the similar color scheme between them creates unity. Stronger and larger shapes on the right balance the text and white space on the left.

有些设计师甚至没有意识到自己在遵循这些原则. Other times, 设计师不能确切地指出一个设计为什么不起作用, 但当他们参考这些原则时,他们往往能找到解决方案.

Understanding elements and principles of design 它们如何相互作用对于新手和专家来说都是至关重要的 designers alike. 在设计项目中有意识地实现它们是创造视觉吸引力和功能设计的关键.

Understanding the basics

  • What are the principles of design?

    There are twelve basic principles of design: contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity. 这些视觉和图形设计原则一起工作,创造出对用户有吸引力和功能的设计.

  • What is the purpose of principles of design?

    设计原则影响着用户看待设计和与设计交互的方式. When implemented purposefully, 它们可以用来对用户产生情感影响, as well as enhance the overall user experience.

  • What is harmony in visual design?

    当在设计中使用视觉上相似的元素时,就会产生和谐, similar to the principle of unity. 和谐对于浏览网站的人来说是一种美学上的愉悦, and can create a sense of consistency.

  • What does balance mean in design?

    平衡指的是元素如何沿着设计的中心线分布. 平衡可以是对称的(两边的元素都很相似),也可以是不对称的(元素不相似,可能沿着偏离中心线分布)。.

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