Dmitry Yakimov, Developer in Coimbra, Portugal
Dmitry is available for hire
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Dmitry Yakimov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Leadership Developer

Coimbra, Portugal
Toptal Member Since
April 26, 2016

With 16 years in remote roles, Dmitry is an experienced front-end technical lead and full-stack developer in crypto, fintech, AI, security, and online services. His leadership extends from recruitment to mentorship, ensuring both project success and team growth. 德米特里擅长为复杂的挑战提供高质量的解决方案, focusing on architecture, continuous delivery, and code optimization. 他的专业知识使他成为任何项目的无价之宝.


Mean DAO
React, Next.js, TypeScript, Solana, Web3, Material UI, Jest, Web3.js...
React, Redux, WebRTC, WebSockets, Jira, Web架构,管理,Next.js...
TypeScript, Loopback, Node.js, React, Code Review, Architecture...




Preferred Environment

Git, React, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacBook, TypeScript

The most amazing...

...achievement I have is architecting and leading a hybrid Web3/Web2 app that integrates Solana and is built on React, TypeScript, and Next.js

Work Experience

Front-end Architect

2022 - 2023
Mean DAO
  • 领导Web3/Web2混合应用的前端架构设计, encompassing over 200 components, 20+ unique pages, and 50,000+ lines of code.
  • Employed TypeScript, Next.js, Material UI, React-Query, and code generation techniques to offer an outstanding user experience.
  • 整合了Solana的Web3技术和基本sdk, enabling governance, payment streaming, and multi-signature treasuries.
  • Designed a unique authentication system, supporting both Web2 and Web3 registration methods with 2FA and providing a self-custodial wallet.
  • Upheld high-quality standards, consistently achieving an 'A' rating on SonarQube and ensuring no critical bugs reached the production environment.
  • Engaged in project planning and communication, enhancing teamwork within an 8-member group, 并直接监督和指导前端工程师.
  • Wrote two internal articles, gave five presentations, and produced four in-depth system diagrams to boost team comprehension and productivity.
Technologies: React, Next.js, TypeScript, Solana, Web3, Material UI, Jest, Web3.js, Code Review, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end

Tech Lead | Team Lead

2020 - 2022
  • Managed a team of three developers, improving efficiency using a Jira Kanban board, 保证按时交付高质量的功能.
  • Supervised code reviews, held consistent team discussions, and conducted developer interviews.
  • 利用React开发并搭建一个应用框架, Redux, TypeScript, WebRTC, and WebSockets. This led to higher performance, an improved user interface, and a secure, scalable infrastructure.
  • 与高级干系人密切合作,勾勒项目方向, resulting in a savings of over 25% in development expenses while fulfilling all organizational and technical needs.
  • Initiated the development of an innovative app aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 in professional settings, 提供一个将社会效益与以用户为中心的设计相结合的解决方案.
  • Coded the WebRTC and WebSockets streaming player. Created a clean and appealing interface for it.
  • 实施策略,提高发展速度和工程质素.
Technologies: React, Redux, WebRTC, WebSockets, Jira, Web架构,管理,Next.js, Performance, Code Review, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end

Technical Director

2017 - 2020
  • Developed an online project from its inception. Collaborated with a team of three, 为他们提供实践经验,以回报他们的投入.
  • Enhanced technical expertise, excelling in the use of React, Redux, React DND用于前端和深入研究Node.. js、Loopback、Passport和TypeScript用于后端任务.
  • 开发并发布了超过100个组件,包含10,000行代码.
  • 通过设计流畅的前端来强调用户体验. Incorporated initial feedback to improve UX components, resulting in a user-friendly interface.
  • Recognized the challenges of initiating projects and the importance of diverse skill sets. 而与朋友一起工作提供了宝贵的见解, it underscored the need for sustainable financing and team engagement in long-term projects.
Technologies: TypeScript, Loopback, Node.js, React, Code Review, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, APIs, Front-end, Full-stack

Senior Front-end Developer

2018 - 2019
  • 领导了三个遗留项目的全面改造, integrating modern React and Redux frameworks, 这带来了性能和可维护性的增强.
  • 对前端性能进行全面评估, 采用延迟加载等优化策略, virtual lists, 和预加载,以保证流畅的用户体验.
  • Crafted multiple API consumers expertly, each with distinct authentication methods, 确保前端和后端同步.
  • 指导和培训四名开发人员使用JavaScript和React, 促进他们成功地转变为以react为中心的角色. 值得注意的是,一名学员成为了开源贡献者.
技术:HTML5, CSS, React DnD, REST api, Node.js, Redux, React, Code Review, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, APIs, Front-end

Senior Front-end Engineer

2018 - 2018
  • 使用React、Redux和样式化组件创建了一个新版本的前端.
  • 通过Jest和快照实现前端测试. Tested React components, React HOCs, Redux actions, controllers, middleware, and helpers.
  • 使用承载授权实现REST API消费.
Technologies: React Router, Styled-components, Jest, Redux, React, TypeScript, Code Review, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end

高级全栈开发人员(React和Ruby on Rails)

2017 - 2018
Upsider (via Toptal)
  • 实现React组件并将其连接到API.
  • 通过Jasmine和Snapshot测试组合前端测试. Created styles using Sass.
  • 使用Ruby on Rails框架实现后端功能.
Technologies: Webpack, HTML5, CSS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Jasmine, React, Code Review, CI/CD Pipelines, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end, Full-stack

Senior Full-stack Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Delivered and developed on all sides of an app, having a wide range of responsibilities.
  • 后端使用React和Rails开发了具有漂亮UX的新功能.
  • 通过Google分析和A/B测试提高了转化率, ensuring we gained more clients over time.
  • Revolutionized the app's front end—from simple Rails-based HTML pages with inline JavaScript spread across several pages to React components built with Webpack.
  • 指导开发并指导从事项目的初级开发人员.
  • Contributed to key decisions regarding integrations with third-party apps: how to structure the process of development, tweaking the CI and continuous development, defining the API structure, and organizing the documentation for it.
  • 对候选人进行面试和研究,以雇用合适的人.
  • Enhanced and fostered a spirit of collaboration in the team despite remote working conditions.
  • 诊断非常复杂的bug——找出它们来自哪里以及如何修复它们. The problems involved race conditions, type problems, JavaScript errors, broken HTML markups, and library issues.
Technologies: Kanban, Google Analytics, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Webpack, Node.js, React, Code Review, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, MongoDB, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end, Full-stack, MySQL

Senior Full-stack Developer

2013 - 2014
  • Took part in everything and all aspects of the process from top to bottom—helping make key, sometimes challenging decisions.
  • 在前端和后端使用Ruby on Rails和Angular.
  • 使用Chef和持续集成服务器实现了一个交付管道.
  • 开发动画,为UI功能和UX提供建议.
  • Took part in Kaizen events: an evaluation on improving the strategy, including pair programming.
  • 为Ruby on Rails实现了几个第三方API消费端点.
Technologies: Agile, Kanban, Configuration Management, Chef, JavaScript, HTML5, Sass, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, CI/CD Pipelines, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end, Full-stack, MySQL

Full-stack Developer

2011 - 2012
Silverpond Pty Ltd.
  • Worked initially as a front-end developer, 然后学习了Ruby on Rails,并继续担任全栈开发人员.
  • 使用Ruby on Rails从零开始创建一个社交网络.
  • 参与7-Eleven应用程序的开发.
  • Developed complicated HTML emails, ensuring that they work across different email clients and provide high deliverability.
Technologies: Email, Git, Linux, Agile, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Pixel Perfect, APIs, Front-end, Full-stack, MySQL

Freelance Web Developer

2010 - 2011
  • Mastered the art of remote collaboration, 成功地与不同时区的几家公司合作, while honing my skills as a full-stack developer.
  • Demonstrated a remarkable level of versatility, taking on diverse responsibilities ranging from designing web layouts for a rock band to troubleshooting Flash ads and formatting LaTeX for Harvard PhDs.
  • 积极维护清晰有效的沟通渠道, delivering outstanding results to clients and cultivating long-term relationships.
  • 追求不断学习和自我提升的激情, dedicating time and effort to staying ahead of the curve in Rails and front-end development.
  • 作为远程全栈开发人员,从第一天起就取得了出色的成果, 始终如一地交付超出客户期望的高质量工作.
Technologies: LaTeX, Git, Linux, Agile, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Front-end, Full-stack, MySQL

CAD Software Developer

2007 - 2010
  • Crafted intricate, 具有尖端3D图形cad的高科技软件, utilizing my advanced knowledge of OpenGL, high-level mathematics, and physics.
  • 提高软件性能和效率的工程算法, taking software speed to the next level.
  • 在计算机科学和技术方面发表了开创性的科学文章, providing valuable contributions to the field and earning recognition both in the US and internationally.
  • Worked hand-in-hand with a team of experts, including developers, engineers, and scientists, 解决复杂的技术问题并开发创新的解决方案.
  • 参与软件开发生命周期的每个阶段, 从需求分析和设计到实施和维护, ensuring the highest quality and excellence.
  • Stayed ahead of the curve by continuously updating skills and knowledge to keep up with emerging technologies and advancements in the field.
Technologies: JavaScript, LaTeX, CAD, C#, .NET, OpenGL, C++, WebGL, Front-end

Unified Security Platform
• Managed a team of three developers, improving efficiency using a Jira Kanban board, 保证按时交付高质量的功能.
• Supervised code reviews, held consistent team discussions, and conducted developer interviews.

•使用React开发和设置应用程序框架, Redux, TypeScript, WebRTC, and WebSockets. This led to higher performance, an improved user interface, and a secure, scalable infrastructure.

• 与高级干系人密切合作,勾勒项目方向, resulting in a savings of over 25% in development expenses while fulfilling all organizational and technical needs.

• Initiated the development of an innovative app aimed at reducing the spread of COVID-19 in professional settings, 提供一个将社会效益与以用户为中心的设计相结合的解决方案

AI-driven Musical Assets Management
• Led the charge on revamping the front end to create a user interface that is not only visually appealing but also intuitive and efficient. 利用尖端技术,如React, Redux, 样式组件使用户体验无缝且引人入胜.

• Devised a rigorous front-end testing strategy, incorporating tools like Jest and Snapshots to ensure that the codebase was robust and that bugs were caught early in the development cycle. Tested various components, HOCs, Redux actions, controllers, middleware, and helpers, guaranteeing a high-quality end product.

•熟练集成REST API消费与承载授权, providing a secure and efficient way for the front end to communicate with the back end. With this integration, we were able to seamlessly connect the two sides of the application and ensure that users had access to the data they needed when they needed it

Multichain Crypto-payment Solution
• 领导Web3/Web2混合应用的前端架构设计, encompassing over 200 components, 20+ unique pages, and 50,000+ lines of code.
• Engaged in project planning and communication, enhancing teamwork within an 8-member group 并直接监督和指导前端工程师.

• Employed TypeScript, Next.js, Material UI, React-Query, and code generation techniques to offer an outstanding user experience.
•整合了Solana的Web3技术和基本sdk, enabling governance, payment streaming, and multi-signature treasuries.
• Designed a unique authentication system, supporting both Web2 and Web3 registration methods with 2FA and providing a self-custodial wallet.

• Upheld high-quality standards, consistently achieving an 'A' rating on SonarQube and ensuring no critical bugs reached the production environment.

• Written two internal articles, gave five presentations, and produced four in-depth system diagrams to boost team comprehension and productivity


CSS, Ruby, HTML5, Sass, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Haml, ES7, ES8, XHTML, HTML, CSS3, Bash, Bash Script, XML, SQL, C++, C#, Less, TypeScript, PHP


Redux, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Sinatra, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Next.js, Ember.js, Express.js, Loopback, Foundation CSS, .NET, Jasmine, Jest, Electron, Tailwind CSS, Material UI


React, jQuery, Handlebars, Devise, Sidekiq, REST APIs, React Router, JSON API, Node.js, React DnD, WebRTC, Web3.js, OpenGL, Backbone.. js,原子CSS,西服CSS,谷歌地图SDK, WebGL


Gulp, Shell, Git, Vagrant, Trello, JSX, Google Analytics, Zsh, Jira, VirtualBox, Emacs, Chef, PostCSS, Atom, LaTeX, Adobe Photoshop, GitHub, GitLab, Slack, CAD, Webpack, Sketch 4, InVision, Bitbucket, Flow


RESTful Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), BEM, Testing, Refactoring, Clean Code, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Modular CSS, Functional Programming, Kanban, Continuous Delivery (CD), Agile Software Development, Pair Programming, Design Patterns, Web Architecture, Continuous Integration (CI), Mobile Development, Agile, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Extreme Programming, SMACSS, Database Design, Management, REST, Unit Testing


Pixel Perfect, Semantic Web, PSD to HTML, Typography, Debugging, Styled-components, Front-end, Back-end, Web Development, Full-stack, Performance, Architecture, Software Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, APIs, Code Review, HTML Email, Lean Development, Color Theory, Browsers, DOM, Computer Science, Performance Optimization, Legacy Code, Email Delivery, Teamwork, Fintech, Process Management, MacBook, Email, Configuration Management, Google Tag Manager, P2P, PWA, Material Design, Coaching, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), MacBook Pro, WebSockets, Leadership, A/B Testing, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), REST API Clients, Enzyme, Design, Solana, Web3


Heroku, OS X, Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, Mapbox, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, NoSQL

2005 - 2011

Master's Degree in Computer Science


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