Igor Stajic,开发商,诺维萨德,伏伊伏丁那,塞尔维亚
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Igor Stajic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
July 1, 2019

Igor是一名经验丰富的自由职业者,拥有超过9年的JavaScript/TypeScript工作经验,并且已经完善了他的技能. Lately, he's been focusing on React, Node.js, and Express.js. Igor可以从头开始构建任何项目,并以精心设计的写作而闻名, testable, and efficient code using best practices. Igor是一个勤奋,负责的专业人士,可以独立工作和团队合作.


React, Front-end, TypeScript, Node.js, REST APIs, Git, Jira, Bitbucket, Jest...
Node.js, React Native, React, Ember.js, JavaScript, GraphQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL...
Hartree Works LTD
React, Firebase, RSS提要,XML,播客,Chrome扩展,Node.js, HTML...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior React Developer

2020 - PRESENT
  • 通过构建一个流线型的基于web的应用程序,将站点智能和选择工作流数字化, replacing the previous manual Excel-based process.
  • 使用MUI从头开始设计和构建React应用程序.
  • Worked in a team with other Toptal developers. Used Jira for task management and sprint tracking.
Technologies: React, Front-end, TypeScript, Node.js, REST APIs, Git, Jira, Bitbucket, Jest, Material UI, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, Code Review, Source Code Review, Web Development, REST, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Chrome Developer Tools, Responsive UI, Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, MERN Stack, CTO, NPM, Maps, OpenAI, AWS Lambda, Serverless, DevOps, Storybook, Application State Management, Responsive Web Apps, React Redux, GitHub, Vite, NGINX, Software Architecture

Full-stack JavaScript Developer

2016 - PRESENT
  • Contributed to many projects using React, Ember.js, and Node.js.
  • 主要与初创公司、小团队合作,参与所有项目生命周期阶段.
  • 使用NoSQL和SQL数据库构建和开发复杂的解决方案.
  • 集成和工作与许多第三方API服务,如Stripe, Algolia, Intercom, Zendesk, FirstPromoter, social network APIs, and more.
  • Used both the AWS and Google Cloud Platforms.
Technologies: Node.js, React Native, React, Ember.js, JavaScript, GraphQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, MongoDB, TypeScript, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, REST APIs, REST, Figma, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, Web Development, Firebase Realtime Database, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Chrome Developer Tools, Responsive UI, Stripe API, SQL, Stripe, Electron, APIs, Architecture, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, Prisma, Google Cloud, Auth0, NPM, Startups, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), OpenAI, AWS Lambda, Serverless, Amazon DynamoDB, HIPAA Compliance, HIPAA Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), GDPR, DevOps, Storybook, Application State Management, Responsive Web Apps, GitHub, NestJS, Cloud Firestore, Redux, NGINX, Software Architecture

Full-stack JavaScript Engineer

2022 - 2022
Hartree Works LTD
  • Built a Node.js API MVP for manipulating RSS feeds.
  • 构建了一个Chrome扩展MVP阅读和操纵谷歌日历数据.
  • 与创始人直接工作和沟通,根据想法定义功能和架构解决方案.
技术:React, Firebase, RSS feed, XML, Podcasting, Chrome Extensions, Node.js, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Firebase Realtime Database, REST, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Chrome Developer Tools, Responsive UI, APIs, Architecture, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, CI/CD Pipelines, MERN Stack, NPM, Startups, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Serverless, DevOps, GitHub, NestJS, Redux, Software Architecture

Full-stack React/Node.js Developer

2021 - 2022
Talis Protocol
  • 致力于React应用程序现有前端的新功能和bug修复(Next.js).
  • Migrated a Node.从使用DynamoDB到MongoDB的Mongoose API和GraphQL解析器.
  • 为来自不同第三方API提供商的传输构建迁移脚本.
Technologies: React, Next.js, Node.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, Amazon Web Services (AWS), GraphQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Material UI, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, Web Development, REST, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Chrome Developer Tools, Responsive UI, APIs, Architecture, Prisma, MERN Stack, AWS Amplify, NPM, Startups, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Responsive Web Apps, GitHub, Redux

Senior Full-stack JavaScript Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 作为主要SaaS产品的核心开发团队的一员.
  • 使用OneTrust设计和开发与互补的第三方系统的集成, HubSpot, and Twilio.
  • 为不同的外部系统开发数据迁移脚本,导入超过100,000条用户记录.
  • 在一个完全远程的团队中工作,与QA, UX,产品设计和DevOps团队进行沟通.
  • Performed design and code reviews, shared knowledge, 并对系统架构设计决策做出贡献.
  • 负责实施单元测试和功能测试.
技术:Redis, PostgreSQL, AngularJS, Express.js, Node.js, React, JavaScript, Front-end, User Interface (UI), Website Performance, API Integration, Angular, Twilio API, Material UI, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, Code Review, Source Code Review, Web Development, REST, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Chrome Developer Tools, APIs, Architecture, MERN Stack, NPM, GDPR, Responsive Web Apps


2018 - 2020
  • 参与重写和重新设计一个名为Home2Market的网络SaaS平台.
  • Architected and built the back end using Node.js, Restify, and Firebase.
  • 实现了许多与SaaS平台相关的特性,并致力于集成多个第三方api.
  • 使用React和Node架构并构建了一个web应用程序.js.
  • 实现了SaaS平台所需的新设计和许多功能,房地产经纪人使用SaaS平台来管理和营销他们的房源.
  • 致力于企业级平台开发的所有阶段——从开发MVP开始, reviewing the UI designs, technology choices, getting it ready to release, releasing the platform, and maintaining it.
  • 为一些短期工作雇佣和管理两个外部承包商, 监督他们的工作并执行代码审查.
Technologies: Firebase, Node.js, React, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), Website Performance, GraphQL, API Integration, Amazon Web Services (AWS), REST APIs, Material UI, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), JSX, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Code Review, Source Code Review, Web Development, Firebase Realtime Database, REST, HTML5, CSS, JSON, Chrome Developer Tools, Responsive UI, Stripe API, SQL, Stripe, Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, MERN Stack, CTO, NPM, Maps, Startups, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), DevOps, Responsive Web Apps, GitHub, Software Architecture

Lead Developer

2014 - 2016
TMNS Serbia (now Devoteam)
  • 使用Ember从头开始构建一个SaaS产品的前端.js.
  • 与其他团队成员合作,提供指导,并在他们陷入困境时帮助他们.
  • 进行代码审查,并执行编码标准和最佳实践.
  • Introduced junior developers to the Ember.js framework.
  • 与产品负责人一起定义路线图并分解用户故事.
  • 将现有的AngularJS应用程序转换为Ember.js.
  • 将团队从2名开发人员发展为2-3名开发人员的前端团队, 并在两年的时间里建立了后端团队, interviewing and hiring people as we expanded. 我是开发负责人,并在最后管理两个前端团队.
Technologies: Ember.js, JavaScript, HTML, ECMAScript (ES6), Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Code Review, Source Code Review, Web Development, REST, HTML5, CSS, Linux, JSON, Hiring, Architecture, Python, NPM, Maps, Startups, DevOps, Software Architecture


Home2Market是美国房地产专业人士使用的SaaS平台,帮助他们管理和营销他们的房源. 我参与了从零开始建立这个平台,直接与创始人合作.




uBegin是一个让人们学习的在线平台, engage, 庆祝为实现2030年可持续发展目标而采取的集体行动. 它将在线社交环境与项目协作和匹配资源以满足项目需求的工具相结合.

Love Wall

一款允许用户在不同地点留下数字爱情信息的手机应用, 向其他用户发送“锁定”信息,并对某个地方的浪漫程度进行评级.


TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML, SQL, GraphQL, CSS, ES7, Sass, SCSS, Less, XML, Python


Next.js, Ember.js, Express.js, Material UI, React Native, Redux, Bootstrap, Jest, Tailwind CSS, NestJS, AngularJS, Angular, React-Bootstrap, Electron


React, Node.js、React Redux、REST API、jQuery、Stripe、Stripe API、Twilio API、AWS Amplify


GitHub, JSX, NPM, Git, NGINX, Chrome Developer Tools, Auth0, Flow, Jira, Webpack, Docker Compose, GitLab, Bamboo, Trello, GitLab CI/CD, Bitbucket, Figma, Mongoose, Prisma


Firebase, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Vercel, AWS Lambda, Docker, MacOS, Heroku


Firebase Realtime Database, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL, JSON, Redis, Elasticsearch, Cloud Firestore, Databases, Google Cloud, Amazon DynamoDB


Minimum Viable Product (MVP), Front-end, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Code Review, Source Code Review, APIs, Architecture, MERN Stack, CTO, Startups, Application State Management, Responsive Web Apps, SaaS, Website Performance, API Integration, Responsive UI, CI/CD Pipelines, Maps, Serverless, Storybook, Vite, Software Architecture, Google Tag Manager, Software as a Service (SaaS), SOLID Principles, ParcelJS, User Interface (UI), Interviewing, Hiring, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Web Development, RSS Feeds, Podcasting, Chrome Extensions, OpenAI, HIPAA Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), GDPR



2009 - 2014




Professional Scrum Master I


Collaboration That Works

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