Ivan Rep, Developer in Limerick, Ireland
Ivan is available for hire
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Ivan Rep

Verified Expert  in Engineering

iOS Developer

Limerick, Ireland
Toptal Member Since
January 13, 2020

Ivan是一名首席iOS开发者,他热衷于帮助大型团队管理复杂性, both through code and process improvements. He is a proponent of clean code and TCA for SwiftUI. 他还相信应该鼓励能够进行实验的代码结构. Ivan has experience in leading high performance, 中型移动团队以及架构设计和敏捷流程方面的专业知识, client communication, project ideation, specification and planning.


Swift, iOS, Agile, mentor, UIKit, Git, SwiftUI, RxSwift, Objective-C...
Facebook API, iPad, SQL, Scrum, REST, GraphQL, Git, RxSwift, Xcode, iOS, Swift...
Stanley Park
iOS, Swift, Firebase, Google Cloud, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Figma...




Preferred Environment

Xcode, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, ARKit

The most amazing...

...我领导的项目是《欧博体育app下载》包,它显著提高了LTV, retention and engagement among existing and new users.

Work Experience

Lead iOS Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
  • 带领移动团队负责餐食记录和计划,主要目标是提高LTV. Launched the Noom Premium bundle, significantly improving LTV, retention, and engagement among existing and new users.
  • 使用SwiftUI和可组合架构(TCA)来生成经过充分测试和可组合的组件.
  • Helped the broader team manage tech debt, 主要是通过制定技术债务削减计划,以及追求SwiftUI和TCA.
Technologies: Swift, iOS, Agile, mentor, UIKit, Git, SwiftUI, RxSwift, Objective-C, Core ML, REST, Management, iOS SDK, iOS Native Libraries, Firebase, Firebase Authentication, Jira, Figma, Slack, Mobile Development, Architecture, Alamofire, AVFoundation, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Mobile Apps, APIs, iOS Frameworks, Lottie, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, iOS Video, Core Data, Mixpanel, Amazon Web Services (AWS), In-app Purchases, Mobile, Computer Vision, CocoaPods, Apple HealthKit, Apple Watch, REST APIs, User Interface (UI)

Lead iOS Developer

2019 - PRESENT
  • 领导现有应用程序的清理和重构,同时为现有客户提供新功能.
  • 通过使用严格的代码风格和引入少量设计模式,将运行时崩溃的数量减少了95%以上.
  • Adopted many best practices in the team, including using SwiftUI and Combine, while transitioning the app to a clean architecture.
  • 与设计团队合作,重新思考应用导航、设计和用户交互.
Technologies: Facebook API, iPad, SQL, Scrum, REST, GraphQL, Git, RxSwift, Xcode, iOS, Swift, UIKit, Agile, iOS SDK, iOS Native Libraries, Figma, Slack, Mobile Development, Google Maps API, Architecture, Alamofire, AVFoundation, Realm, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Video Livestreaming, LiveStream, Mobile Apps, APIs, Google Maps SDK, iOS Frameworks, Lottie, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, iOS Video, Core Data, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, In-app Purchases, Mobile, CocoaPods, REST APIs, User Interface (UI)

Senior iOS Developer

2021 - 2021
Stanley Park
  • Joined after engineering work kicked off. 帮助管理在同一项目中工作的其他工程师,并确保每个人都是一致的.
  • 内置iOS和iPad应用程序,允许用户在画布上添加图像和视频, transform the media and reposition it, write, and draw.
  • Implemented a data storage solution, 在提供良好性能的同时允许大画布介质尺寸.
Technologies: iOS, Swift, Firebase, Google Cloud, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Figma, Mobile Apps, iOS Frameworks, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, Mobile, CocoaPods, REST APIs, User Interface (UI)

Senior iOS Developer

2020 - 2021
Stratway Consulting Ltd.
  • 开发了一个MVP应用程序,允许用户通过视频相互交流. 该应用程序最多支持4人同时观看视频,其他人可以作为观众加入.
  • 我帮助将最初的想法简化并分解成可管理的部分, which gave owner better understanding of the road ahead.
  • 每周使用Firebase app Distribution提交应用更新. This was done using fastlane.
Technologies: Swift, iOS, Messaging, Videos, Twilio, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Video Livestreaming, LiveStream, Mobile Apps, APIs, iOS Frameworks, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, Mobile, CocoaPods, REST APIs, User Interface (UI)

Senior iOS Developer

2019 - 2019
  • Improved test coverage of crucial business-related processes.
  • Refactored large parts of the codebase from Objective-C to Swift.
  • 与团队合作,讨论并实现与个人银行领域分析相关的功能.
  • 介绍了根据稍微修改过的VIPER架构(针对iOS的干净架构)修改架构的建议.
Technologies: Scrum, REST, Git, RxSwift, Xcode, iOS, Swift, UIKit, Agile, iOS SDK, iOS Native Libraries, Jira, Slack, Mobile Development, Google Maps API, Alamofire, AVFoundation, Realm, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Mobile Apps, APIs, Google Maps SDK, iOS Frameworks, Lottie, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, PostgreSQL, Mobile, CocoaPods, REST APIs, User Interface (UI)

iOS Developer

2017 - 2019
  • 带领由iOS、Android和后端开发人员组成的团队修复并发布现有的iOS应用. 同时,在开发新功能的同时,还致力于重构和修复旧代码.
  • 与一家成功的克罗地亚初创公司SmartLumies合作,开发了一款智能蓝牙连接玩具. 设计并开发了一个蓝牙通信协议,应用程序用于与玩具进行通信.
  • 开发了一款iOS应用程序,使用设备内传感器帮助用户了解并改善锻炼情况.
  • 开发了一个主要用于眼科的iPad应用程序. 该应用程序简化了创建、存储和分发眼科诊断的过程.
Technologies: REST, Git, RxSwift, Xcode, iOS, Objective-C, Swift, UIKit, iOS Native Libraries, Figma, Slack, Mobile Development, Architecture, Alamofire, Mobile Apps, APIs, iOS Frameworks, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, PostgreSQL, In-app Purchases, Mobile, CocoaPods, Apple Watch, REST APIs, User Interface (UI)

iOS Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 将大型克罗地亚广告门户网站Njuskalo从网页迁移至本地iOS UI.
  • 在即将到来的项目中使用的全公司范围的VIPER体系结构上进行协作.
  • 开发了一个带有iOS控制器应用的tvOS Twitter墙应用.
Technologies: Xcode, iOS, Swift, UIKit, Git, Mobile Development, Alamofire, Mobile Apps, iOS Frameworks, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, Mobile, CocoaPods, User Interface (UI)

iOS Developer

2014 - 2016
IN2 group
  • Built an employee management application that included off-time, business travel, and vehicle management powered by an Oracle APEX back end.
  • 作为第一个内部iOS开发者,建立了一个基础架构, code style, and iOS workflows—some of which are used to this day.
  • 在公司内部合作启动iOS教育流程.
Technologies: Xcode, iOS, Objective-C, Swift, Mobile Development, Alamofire, Mobile Apps, iOS Frameworks, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, Mobile, CocoaPods, User Interface (UI)


这是一款比利时的B2B应用程序,专为房地产中介提供自动化服务. I joined the project at the start of the scale-up phase. iOS应用程序正在运行,但存在许多问题,包括代码和设计方面.

我的目标是清理应用程序,使其更主流,并在此过程中修复主要的代码问题. 这一努力使我们能够以更快的速度进入法国市场, for which a clean and polished iOS app was one of the main movers.

主要的代码问题是未定义的体系结构,这使得状态很难确定, heavy reliance on a very outdated third-party library, and a general lack of defined code-style and best practices.

Party Initiative Tracker

Work Done:
• Designed, implemented, 并发布了一款iOS应用,简化了角色扮演游戏的追踪主动性.
•使用Swift Vapor实现原生iOS应用和后端.
• Hired and managed QA and design team members.



Work Done:
• Developed the CUPUS middleware for the University of Zagreb, 电子工程与计算学院(FER),实现了对传感器数据流进行预滤波的通信协议,


Swift, Objective-C, SQL, GraphQL


SwiftUI, UIKit, Core Location, iOS SDK, iOS Frameworks, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa, ARKit, Core ML, Vapor, Core Data


Firebase iOS SDK, iOS Native Libraries, RxSwift, Alamofire, SnapKit, CocoaPods, REST APIs, Google Maps SDK, Mapbox iOS SDK, Google+ iOS SDK, Google Maps API, Facebook API, Stripe


Xcode, Git, Jira, Figma, Slack, Apple HealthKit, Sketch, Firebase Authentication


敏捷,REST,移动开发,模型-视图-视图模型(MVVM), Scrum,管理


iOS、Mobile、WatchOS、tvOS、Firebase、Mixpanel、Twilio、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Apple Watch


Software Architecture, App Store, iPad, Mobile App Development, Architecture, Mobile Apps, In-app Purchases, User Interface (UI), Maps, Mobile GPS, GPS, Cloud, Google Login, Encryption, AVFoundation, Video Livestreaming, LiveStream, APIs, Lottie, iOS Video, Mentorship, Messaging, Videos, Computer Vision


Firebase Realtime Database, PostgreSQL, Realm, Google Cloud

2015 - 2017

Master's Degree in Computer Science

萨格勒布大学,电子工程与计算学院(FER) -萨格勒布,克罗地亚

2012 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

萨格勒布大学,电子工程与计算学院(FER) -萨格勒布,克罗地亚

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