Joe Cavazos, Developer in Houston, TX, United States
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Joe Cavazos

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Back-end Developer

Houston, TX, United States
Toptal Member Since
June 19, 2016

Joe是一名主要的Java开发人员和架构师,拥有超过14年的开发企业和小型应用程序的经验. 他在SDLC的所有阶段都有经验,并且精通关系数据库, application servers, REST APIs, and testing.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS SDK...
International Trip Planning Services
Jenkins, Unix, JUnit, REST APIs, Hibernate, JBoss Seam, Java, Back-end...
Phennecs, LLC
Java, Spring Boot, REST api, AsyncTask, Apache Maven, Unit Testing, PostgreSQL...




Preferred Environment

亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Unix, JUnit, REST api, SQL, Hibernate, Java,后端,Git, Spring Boot

The most amazing...

...我编写的是一个自制流媒体服务器它可以向观众播放视频并包含视频目录, queue, and scheduled programming.

Work Experience

Back-end Developer via Toptal

2020 - PRESENT
  • 在微服务架构中开发和维护几个集成的Spring Boot应用程序, communicating between services using REST APIs.
  • 将后端与支付处理和收款服务(如PayPal)集成.
  • Implemented authentication using OAuth 2.0 and eventually with Amazon Cognito.
  • Participated in architectural design sessions and discussions. 为高层设计决策和考虑提供反馈和指导.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS SDK, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Java, Git, GitHub, AWS CloudFormation, REST, REST APIs, Spring, Spring Boot, JUnit, Discord, OAuth 2, OAuth, SQL, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Automated Testing

Software Developer / Architect

2010 - PRESENT
International Trip Planning Services
  • 围绕航班、旅行、飞机、乘客等实现广泛的数据建模.
  • 使用Java反射创建一个自动的框架,用于打印/填充PDF, Word, Excel, and plain text templates.
  • Provided REST API endpoints for customers to upload trip data.
  • 实现了用于向政府机构传输数据的REST和SOAP服务.
  • 使用JSF模板和iText的组合从零开始生成pdf.
  • Architectured design decisions and implementation.
Technologies: Jenkins, Unix, JUnit, REST APIs, Hibernate, JBoss Seam, Java, Back-end, Apache Maven, Git, JSF, Seam, MySQL, JBoss, Amazon Web Services (AWS), WildFly, Microservices, RESTful Microservices, Microservices Architecture, CSS, Amazon EC2, Automated Testing

Senior Java Developer

2022 - 2022
Phennecs, LLC
  • 开发了一个高性能的Java web应用程序(Spring Boot),通过与SalesForce API接口和从Apache Hive表中读写来备份和恢复SalesForce中的客户数据.
  • 设计并实现了复杂的逻辑,以恢复先前备份的涉及从属/子对象的SalesForce数据.
  • 重新架构应用程序,将某些流程分解为原子部分, 因此,长时间运行的进程可以在任意时间停止和重新启动, greatly facilitating the upgrading of customers to new versions.
  • 为几个Spring Boot应用程序编写单元和集成测试,这些应用程序以前没有测试覆盖率.
  • 参与复杂业务流程的高层架构设计讨论.
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, REST api, AsyncTask, Apache Maven, Unit Testing, PostgreSQL, Integration Testing, Multithreading, Hibernate, Git, Kubernetes, Salesforce, Streaming Data, OAuth, Salesforce API

Senior Software Developer/Architect via Toptal

2020 - 2020
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • 管理海外工程师团队,指导他们进行最佳编码实践和编写有效测试.
  • 协调各种服务的生产部署,包括QA检查.
  • Participated in high-level design discussions and architectural reviews.
Technologies: Java

Senior Software Developer via Toptal

2018 - 2020
  • Developed an airline pricing aggregator using Spring Boot. 该应用程序将使用多线程架构查询许多不同来源的典型航班行程,并编译结果供人们使用.
  • Maintained several legacy Java applications, responding to outages, diagnosing errors, and implementing critical fixes.
  • Developed and implemented messaging architecture using Apache Kafka.
Technologies: Java, Git, DevOps, SQL, REST, Spring, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams, JUnit, Spring MVC, Automated Testing

Software Engineer IV

2017 - 2018
  • 跨团队协作,为web应用程序实现一个新的REST API端点.
  • 指导初级开发人员进行良好的编码实践和编写自动化测试.
  • Taught the development team to write unit tests using JUnit and Mockito.
  • 使用AppDynamics识别几个效率低下的流程,并提出改进方法.
  • 重构了内存效率低下的Hibernate查询,以使用分页和可滚动的结果.
Technologies: JUnit, REST APIs, Hibernate, Java, Back-end, REST, Git, JavaScript, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Oracle SQL, Spring, Automated Testing

Software Developer

2013 - 2017
Apptio, Inc.
  • Developed for and maintained an internal deployment tool written in Java.
  • 创建一个内部Java应用程序,收集客户实例的可用性指标,并将此数据与支持票据相关联.
  • 构建一个内部Java应用程序来管理客户实例的安全性(通过LDAP).
  • 使用AWS的角色假设为web应用程序实现身份验证.
  • 利用AWS api检索客户的AWS使用数据,并将其提供给Apptio的旗舰应用程序进行聚合和度量.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Unix, JUnit, REST APIs, Java, Back-end, LDAP, REST, MySQL, TeamCity, Gradle, Mercurial, Git, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), Groovy, Amazon EC2, Automated Testing

Heavy Reading Barbell and Book Club
这是一个搞笑的WordPress博客,里面的帖子都是由健身爱好者撰写的人工智能生成的. 这些帖子混合了书评和健身建议,这些建议是在知道会被忽视的情况下给出的.

The business logic is written in Java and executed in AWS. There is a periodic SQS trigger that invokes a lambda function. 该函数选择一个随机提示并查询OpenAI API以生成书评. The lambda parses the response from OpenAI, packages it into a WordPress post, 然后使用WordPress REST API将该帖子发布到指定的WordPress实例.

TSDBot: A Java-based Discord Chat Bot
This project is a chatbot for Discord written in Java. It has several features:

1. Easily-extensible array of "functions" ranging from trivial (e.g.(替换前一条消息中的一些文本并返回结果)到更复杂的(例如.g., 从聊天记录中随机挑选一行,并将其发送给电子游戏开发商Bungie的社区经理)。

2. Integration with AWS, specifically S3 and EC2

3. Via Dropwizard, implements an embedded Jetty server for serving HTTP requests, including a navigable website

4. Implements streaming, 整合了Discord聊天和托管网站的广播媒体服务. This service is modeled on a "job polling" framework, 流媒体与独立的“代理”可执行JAR一起存储在不同的机器上. 这个代理会定期向Discord机器人发送心跳信号,告知它有哪些视频可用. The Discord bot can display this video catalog to users. If a user wants to play any video, the Discord bot will place a "job" in its queue for the specific agent, and the next time the agent sends a heartbeat, 它将收到“播放此视频”作业,并将开始流式传输视频
这段代码表示广播视频服务的“控制器”类,该服务集成了我编写和维护的Discord聊天机器人. 它允许异步播放由用户选择的流媒体.


Java, SQL, Groovy, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bash


Spring Boot, JUnit, JBoss Seam, Hibernate, TestNG, Spring, Mockito, Spring MVC, Jakarta Server Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces, JSF, Seam, Thymeleaf, Vaadin, OAuth 2


REST API, FFmpeg, iText, Quartz, Liquibase, AsyncTask, Salesforce API, WordPress API


Unit Testing, Automated Testing, REST, Object-oriented Design (OOD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Microservices, Microservices Architecture, DevOps


MySQL, JSON, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JBoss AS, Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL


Back-end, Writing & Editing, APIs, LDAP, Amazon API Gateway, RESTful Microservices, Discord, OAuth, Integration Testing, Multithreading, Streaming Data, ChatGPT, OpenAI


WildFly, Jenkins, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Apache Maven, Gradle, Mercurial, TeamCity, AWS SDK, Kafka Streams, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), GitHub, AWS CloudFormation


Amazon Web Services (AWS), JBoss, Unix, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Windows, Apache Kafka, Kubernetes, Salesforce

2005 - 2010

Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering

Rice University - Houston, Texas, USA

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