Michael Herold,美国佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡的开发商
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Michael Herold

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States
Toptal Member Since
April 8, 2017

Michael is a talented software engineer with ten years of experience specializing in web app development. He is proficient in JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Go语言,并因交付干净且可维护的代码而得到认可. 在客户端和服务器架构方面有很强的背景, relational and non-relational databases, and REST APIs, 迈克尔为各种各样的企业做出了贡献, 从初创公司到企业软件公司, 他的工作影响了数百万用户.


CB Insights
Python, Go, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), api, REST, Agile, TypeScript...
Brooklyn Wine Exchange
React, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Heroku, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, RSpec, Webpack, HTML...
PostgreSQL, Python, Elasticsearch, Docker, REST




Preferred Environment

Chrome, Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, MacOS

The most amazing...

...我所建立的是一个数据库架构来摄取和保持准确, 数百万建筑承包商可访问的数据.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
CB Insights
  • Designed an advanced survey system to generate leads between companies and potential investors.
  • Optimized a Python-based spreadsheet application to make column and row management more user-friendly.
  • 构建后端端点,为市场概要生成数据, 从而增加了公司的SEO存在感.
Technologies: Python, Go, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), api, REST, Agile, TypeScript, Node.js, Elasticsearch, React

Ruby on Rails and React Developer

2020 - 2021
Brooklyn Wine Exchange
  • 参与了购物车的主要重构, checkout, and payment codebase, which improved the checkout experience and substantially reduced critical bugs associated with inventory errors, order totals, and credit card verification.
  • Redesigned the product search UI, offering users cascading search filters and sorting features.
  • 贡献了每月订阅功能, 处理订阅状态的所有UI和后端管理.
  • 为移动和桌面体验创建了各种新的ui.
  • Built a gift card feature, 其中包括购买礼品卡的页面, the back-end logic to integrate with the financial software that powers the gift cards, 还有结账时兑换礼品卡的代码.
Technologies: React, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Heroku, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, RSpec, Webpack, HTML, APIs, REST, CSS, Ruby

Database Engineer

2019 - 2019
  • 设计并配置Elasticsearch集群, determining which data analysis and indexing techniques to use to maximize search performance and usability. 由于数据量大,性能是一个关键问题.
  • 使用Docker和Docker Compose部署Elasticsearch集群, following the best security practices.
  • Ensured that the cluster nodes were distributed on multiple university servers for redundancy and performance.
  • 使用Python和PostgreSQL验证和简化数据摄取.
  • Configured an interactive Python interface for the university faculty to search and export scientific data using Docker and Python.
  • Created a Python-based data ingestion pipeline to import and index data from many different medical studies.
技术:PostgreSQL, Python, Elasticsearch, Docker, REST

Software Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • 曾在iOS和Android上运行的移动应用,使用Ionic Cordova构建. Leveraged Angular, JavaScript (TypeScript), and CSS to develop the code and Xcode and Android Studio to build and test the app.
  • 编写了一个基于python的scraper来收集美国加油站的每日价格. I configured the scraper to use Amazon DynamoDB for data storage and AWS Lambda to run the scraper when needed.
  • 将移动应用程序与丰田API集成,以远程访问用户的车辆.
  • Used Google Maps API and WebSockets to track and display real-time vehicle locations, 其中包括使用自定义的谷歌地图图层和弹出窗口.
  • Contributed to the development of a large Ruby on Rails API server for a mobile application.
  • Implemented seamless integration with remote command vehicle APIs like Toyota and OnStar using Ruby on Rails to give Yoshi remote access to users' vehicles.
  • 使用RSpec开发广泛的单元和集成测试, driving a significant increase in testing coverage and promoting a culture of automated testing within the company.
  • Improved Twilio integration to automatically purchase and activate new Twilio phone numbers by area code based on message delivery latency calculations.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), PostgreSQL, Angular, Ionic, TypeScript, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Python, RSpec, HTML, Sidekiq, APIs, REST, CSS, Agile, React, Web Scraping

Software Developer

2017 - 2018
Element Group
  • Built a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) for companies to sell tokens based on smart contracts on the Ethereum network. The platform provided a checkout flow for investors to purchase tokens with Bitcoin, Ether, or fiat currency.
  • 开发代币销售平台的行政端, 允许公司参与投资活动, 管理与投资者的邮件沟通, access analytics, set pricing rules for investor groups, and distribute tokens.
  • Created an onboarding application for customers seeking to use Element Group's brokerage services. The app verifies applicants' identities, collects necessary documents, 并与DocuSign集成,提供用户友好的体验.
  • 用Solidity编程语言编写智能合约, 为我们的代币销售中使用的基于以太坊的代币建立规范.
  • 使用Truffle框架为这些智能合约实现自动化测试.
  • Built distributed applications (DApps) that use an Ethereum blockchain back end and a client-side JavaScript front end integrated with the Chrome MetaMask plugin, enabling calls to smart contracts.
  • Collaborated with an Agile team with continuous integration and highly automated testing coverage.
  • 使用JavaScript, React, CSS和HTML开发了许多前端功能.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Solidity、Docker、Node.js, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), RSpec, HTML, APIs, REST, CSS, Ruby

Software Developer

2017 - 2017
  • 创建了一个在线市场,供亚马逊作者买卖电子邮件促销. Two weeks after launch, the platform had already recorded over $10,000 in gross payment volume.
  • 开发、配置和部署Rails 5应用程序.
  • 集成了各种外部api,如Stripe, Mailchimp, AWeber, and Amazon's Product Advertising API, 需要OAuth和OAuth 2规范.
  • Handled all DevOps work, 包括在AWS Linux Ubuntu机器上设置一个Passenger和Nginx服务器, 使用Redis和Sidekiq来管理后台作业, 并利用亚马逊的CloudFront CDN服务资产, prioritizing site performance.
  • 存储和加密敏感用户数据, 坚持网络和数据安全的行业最佳实践.
  • Built the front end using JavaScript, React, 和CSS,并使用npm和webpack管理和捆绑前端代码.
Technologies: Stripe API, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Redis, Webpack, React, ECMAScript (ES6), Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, HTML, Sidekiq, APIs, REST, CSS

Software Developer

2014 - 2017
  • Developed with Ruby on Rails, following industry best practices to ensure the creation of readable and maintainable code.
  • Managed MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, building a data ingestion framework, conducting data modeling, and developing query optimization to increase the performance of our web application.
  • Constructed APIs for our single-page applications and APIs to power our data partnerships.
  • Built user interfaces with AngularJS and jQuery that allowed BuildZoom contractors to manage their ongoing projects, communicate with clients, view project histories, and manage photo galleries.
  • 创建了包含数据规范化的匹配算法, stemming, Levenshtein distances, and stop word filtering, 我们几乎所有与第三方的数据合作关系的核心是什么.
  • 用Ruby和Python编写高性能的数据处理脚本.
  • Configured and debugged Elasticsearch indices on a full-text search engine to improve the website user search.
  • 实现了谷歌的机器学习Python模块, Scikit-learn, 训练分类器并对建筑许可数据进行分类.
  • 使用JavaScript、HTML和CSS为各种前端特性做出了贡献.
  • Worked on an extensive Python scraping app to intelligently collect contractor and building permit data from across the US on an ongoing basis. This also included a data pipeline to sanitize, normalize, and transfer data to PostgreSQL databases.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Python, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, RSpec, Sidekiq, APIs, REST, AngularJS, React, Web Scraping

Physics Teacher

2012 - 2013
Green Dot Public Schools
  • Helped young minds gain an intuitive sense of the physics of the world around them through lab activities and hands-on learning.
  • 用代数教授物理,包括理论和实验.
  • 管理20多名青少年的行为期望.
Technologies: Teaching

Physics Teaching Assistant

2010 - 2012
Auburn University
  • 指导工科本科学生学习物理学.
  • 协助物理系本科生完成实验室作业.
  • 作为助理教授四门不同的物理课程.
Technologies: Fortran


亚马逊作家购买和销售电子邮件促销的在线市场. This Ruby on Rails web application leverages Stripe Connect to allow peer-to-peer payments.

作者集成了他们选择的邮件平台API (Mailchimp), AWeber, MailerLite, 或ConvertKit)来验证和共享他们的邮件列表信息. The site saw great user traction and a healthy volume of payments within the first couple of weeks.

Database Model

I modeled phenotype and metabolomics data from worldwide research studies to ingest and normalize data. With this data model, I was able to index this medical data in Elasticsearch and allow research scientists to query it easily.


一个明确为以太坊网络设计的智能合约. The contract offers compound interest on users' investments and compounds the money every second. 这种加密货币是使用Solidity等技术开发的.


Ruby, JavaScript, Python, CSS, TypeScript, Go, HTML, Fortran, ECMAScript (ES6), Solidity


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Flask, AngularJS, Angular, Django, Ionic


RSpec, Git, Webpack, Xcode, Android Studio, MailerLite


REST, Agile


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Linux, Docker, Blockchain


PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, Redis




React, Sidekiq, Node.js, Stripe API

Industry Expertise


2010 - 2012

Master's Degree in Physics

Auburn University - Auburn, AL, USA

2004 - 2008




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