Mitesh Prajapati,印度古吉拉特邦艾哈迈达巴德的开发商
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Mitesh Prajapati

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Web Services Developer

Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Toptal Member Since
September 15, 2016

Mitesh is a certified Magento developer as well as a solution specialist. He has over a decade of professional web programming experience, including over 12 years as an eCommerce professional specializing in web service APIs, 3rd-party integrations, 自定义扩展开发, speed optimization, and template integration. Mitesh以只提供高质量的产品而自豪, 优化代码,坚持高专业标准.


Magento, Magento 2, Magento API, Magento Modules, Magento扩展开发...
eCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Web Services...
eCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Web Services...




Preferred Environment

MySQL, Magento, PHP, API, Salesforce批量API

The most amazing... I've done was to build great eShops in Magento; I had to create multiple stores without changing the storefront and with a customized payment method.

Work Experience

Magento Developer

2024 - 2024
  • 根据客户的需求对Magento市场网站进行审核,并根据我的发现提交一份全面的报告.
  • 建议将解决方案从Magento过渡到更合适的技术,如Laravel.
  • Provided solutions for enhancing the credit points management system within Magento.
Technologies: Magento, Magento 2, Magento API, Magento Modules, Magento扩展开发, Marketplace Platforms, Stripe Marketplace, Marketplace Design


2024 - 2024
  • Developed a Magento 2 extension for insurance package cost in the order.
  • 向Salesforce提供订单同步,并使用API在Salesforce中创建一个保险包.
  • Created a Shopify app that is similar to the Magento extension.
Technologies: eCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Web Services, Shopify Customizations, Salesforce Bulk API

eCommerce Developer

2023 - 2023
  • 创建了一个Magento扩展,以便根据客户端提供的计算逻辑动态地将包裹保险成本添加到订单金额中.
  • Integrated orders with Salesforce to insert parcel insurance packages after shipping.
  • 开发一个Shopify应用程序,根据客户提供的计算逻辑动态地将包裹保险成本添加到订单金额中.
Technologies: eCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Web Services, Shopify Customizations, Salesforce Bulk API

eCommerce Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Developed a Magento-based extension for selecting the insurance option in the cart or checkout; based on that, 保险费用被加到购物车里.
  • 与Salesforce销售云集成订单和发货.
  • Created a Shopify public app for insurance calculations and integration with Salesforce.
Technologies: eCommerce, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Web Services, Shopify Customizations, Salesforce Bulk API, Magento扩展开发, Knockout (Knockout.js), cPanel


2023 - 2023
Spandex House Inc.
  • Fixed specific issues related to UI and improved customers' browsing experience.
  • 固定管理方面的问题,如:订单不能取消, 图片上传不工作, 通讯也不起作用.
  • 改进了网站的移动视图并修复了问题.
Technologies: PHP, Project Management, Magento, JavaScript, MySQL, cPanel

Magento Developer

2021 - 2023
Zebrafish Labs, Inc.
  • Developed and maintained imgIX image import extension for Magento 2.
  • 实现了扩展,这样我们就可以使用来自imgIX通道的第三方图像,而无需将它们存储在Magento数据库中.
  • Completed the challenge of providing the imgIX image import feature in the page builder.
技术:PHP, Magento, HTML, CSS, Composer, NGINX, MySQL, Elasticsearch, jQuery, React, cPanel


2021 - 2023
Zebrafish Labs, Inc.
  • 使用简单的URL和Imgix API开发了一个扩展,从Imgix图像源管理Magento(产品和CMS)的图像源.
  • Created an installable extension for Magento Community, Enterprise, and Cloud.
  • Implemented MFTF testing, 因此,当我们将这个插件安装到任何Magento实例并从CMD运行MFTF命令时,它将通过设置测试值来自动测试所有插件功能.
Technologies: Magento 2, Magento API, Front-end, Back-end Development, cPanel


2022 - 2022
Spandex House Inc.
  • 修复了所有与响应网站相关的问题. 致力于提高速度.
  • Built a Marketplace for client shops by installing custom plugins and configuring them.
  • 整理客户网站的分层导航问题.
Technologies: PHP, Project Management, Magento, JavaScript, MySQL

Magento Developer

2021 - 2022
Zebrafish Labs, Inc.
  • Created Magento 2 extensions for integration of imgix images with Magento products, categories, or CMS page images.
  • 在页面构建器中实现了imgix图像视图,以便管理员可以选择图像并创建CMS页面. 它们还可以定义图像的位置.
  • 实现MFTF测试用例,用于在将扩展部署到不同供应商的活动实例时进行自动化测试.
Technologies: PHP, Magento, HTML, CSS, Composer, NGINX, MySQL, Elasticsearch, jQuery


2021 - 2022
ZYUS Life Sciences
  • Migrated their Magento 1 website to a Magento 2 website with all the data.
  • Recreated Moneris Checkout in Magento 2 since the implementation was done in Magento 1.
  • 建立了所有的自定义主题,并创建了扩展在他们的Magento 1网站到Magento 2网站.
技术:Magento 2,前端,后端


2021 - 2021
Silver Gold Bull
  • 开发了一个扩展,将CMS页面、块和电子邮件模板导入到生产站点.
  • Created product import script custom based on client requirements.
  • Created payment method for eBay and managed payments with Custom API.
技术:前端开发,Magento 2, CSS4, HTML5

Magento Developer

2020 - 2020
Choreo LLC (total Client)
  • Developed an extension for language translation using the Lilt API.
  • 使用Magento扩展创建JSON和HTML文件.
  • Created the XLIFF file and then downloaded it from Lilt and updated product, category, CMS pages, 并阻止Magento的翻译.
  • Built a consumer queue-based function to do heavy transactions in the background. 实现了API的基本认证.
技术:Lilt, Magento 2, Magento 1

Web Developer

2017 - 2018 (Toptal Client)
  • 致力于定制RMA. 创建并配置一个新存储. 为发货和结帐编写自定义扩展. Migrated multiple stores based on Magento 1 and Magento 2 instances. 实现发票PDF定制和主题更改.
  • Migrated multiple stores based on Magento 1 and Magento 2 instances.
  • 实现发票PDF定制和主题更改.
技术:Magento 2, Magento 1


2017 - 2017
Mezmiz (via Toptal)
  • 集成Klaviyo checkout在他们的Magento 1网站.
  • 启用登录通过Facebook和谷歌和定制他们.
  • 根据客户端的请求实现定制.
  • Fixed issues with the website and resolved front-end and back-end side issues.
技术:Magento, Magento 1


2017 - 2017
WOW Wireless (via Toptal)
  • 固定的网站错误有关某些自定义表单和设计相关的问题,在一个响应的性质.
  • Upgraded the PHP version and resolved any issues in Magento due to that.
  • Optimized the speed.
Technologies: Magento


2017 - 2017
  • Made a new website.
  • 修正了许多CSS和编码问题.
  • Revamped the coding of certain extensions as per Magneto standards.
  • 开发了“租用或出租礼服”功能.
  • 实现速度优化.
  • Created certain CMS pages.
Technologies: Magento


2017 - 2017
Michael Mootz Candies(来自Toptal)
  • 根据客户要求完成任务.
  • 修正了网站中的一些关键问题.
  • 开发一个添加到购物车的弹出窗口.
  • 修改CSS代码以修复一些问题.
  • 基于可配置的产品选项,在产品详细信息页面上创建了一个价格图.
  • 设置特色产品传送带.
Technologies: Magento

Web Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 使用Magento开发前端和后端.
  • 作为WordPress开发人员,根据客户需求进行模板集成和定制.
  • 使用FishPig集成Magento与WordPress,并根据客户的需求进行定制.
技术:WordPress, Magento

Senior Web Developer

2013 - 2016
Logic Rays
  • 开发Magento扩展和主题集成.
  • 担任后端开发人员.
  • 已实现的第三方集成.
  • Provided solutions.
技术:PHP, WordPress, Magento, WordPress Plugins, eCommerce, WooCommerce

Senior Web Developer

2011 - 2013
Hidden Web Genius
  • 创建主题与Magento.
  • 开发WordPress插件.
  • 和Magento一起在后台工作.
  • 根据客户需求定制解决方案.
技术:PHP, WordPress, Magento

Web Developer

2009 - 2010
Silver Touch Technologies
  • 专门为英国客户提供资源.
  • Created CSS templates.
  • 对客户的员工进行Magento后端培训.
技术:WordPress, Magento, PHP, WooCommerce

Junior Web Developer

2006 - 2008
DEVI Solutions
  • 用PHP构建自定义框架.
  • 在Joomla中创建网站和组件.
  • 在ASP中开发定制.NET project.
Technologies: PHP

斑马鱼实验室,公司- Imgix扩展开发

我为Magento 2开发并维护了imgIX图像导入扩展,并实现了该扩展,因此我们可以使用来自imgIX通道的第三方图像,而无需将它们存储在Magento数据库中.

ZYUS Life Sciences

我将客户端的Magento 1网站迁移到Magento 2网站,同时在Magento 2中重新创建Moneris Checkout,就像在Magento 1中实现的那样.
我在主题中建立了所有的自定义,并在他们的Magento 1网站上创建了扩展到Magento 2网站.

CD Keys | Toptal
CDkey是一家在线销售游戏的公司,支持多种商店、货币、语言等. 我已经构建了许多自定义扩展并完成了后端工作, 比如EPAG这样的支付网关, Credorex, and so on. It is built in Magento 1.9.4 as a live site. 我也为他们的《欧博体育app下载》网站工作过.


Work Done:
• Optimized the speed by customizing third-party plugins as per client needs.

PrintVision (via Toptal)
I created an extension for a price matrix for a configurable product. This was a very useful feature for an online printing business. 此外,我还改进了网站的外观和感觉. 我还添加了更多的功能,如自定义旗帜,横幅等.

Stylevate | Website

I built from scratch using a Magento 2 theme and updating it as per the client's need. I also created a custom extension that handled the following:
• Stylevator registration
• Login
• Email templates
• Whatsapp share button

Nora Butler Gallery & Gifts | Website
I created this online gallery and e-shop for a US client who is an artist. She wanted a place to showcase and sell her sea-inspired stencils and other art pieces.


Top Drawer Lingerie是一家位于美国的内衣商店.

我的部分是将PSD模板集成到网站上,并在主页上安装Instagram feed集成. I used a custom color swatch extension to show color and size options on the products.


Hard to Find Whisky is a worldwide online whiskey shop supplying rare, collectible, 还有新推出的单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌.

我为这个商店创建了一个自定义搜索功能. The back-end was integrated with a liquor retail API to manage the stock in Magento, 哪个将在运行时更新. 我还构建了一个功能,用于在运行时使用供应商的API检查添加到购物车中的商品的库存.

Donna Ida | Website
Donna Ida是伦敦的一家高端精品店. 它致力于女性设计师牛仔裤和时尚,并提供在线奢侈品购物体验.

It required multi-vendor support where the supplier could manage their products.



I built their website and customized it according to client needs. I created a feature that does price calculation based on the number of cards ordered. 我还上传了一个艺术品功能.

Michael Mootz Candies | Toptal
我创建了一些自定义功能,如添加到购物车的弹出窗口和产品详细信息页面中的价格图表. 我还优化了网站的速度.

Macron Stores | Websites
This project centered around a responsive multi-store site, operating in Norway. The company had more than five stores, which were all managed from the same back end.

• The customer should be able to place a single order at different stores.

I created an admin-friendly back end and also built a Klarna payment method.

中华路邮包站| Toptal


I created several extensions for both the front end and back end.

PTIntl (via Toptal)
This was an extremely large project where I developed both the front end and back end. Apart from that, I worked on the WordPress part of the site as well.


Elliquark (via Toptal)

I created this website from scratch which included a front-end design integration, 后端扩展开发, and installation of some third-party paid plugins for a subscription.

这个项目是在Magento 2框架中构建的,我还集成了一个商店定位器插件. (via Toptal)

Mezmiz.com是沙特阿拉伯的一家网上杂货店. I integrated the design, 实现的自定义特性, and built a custom extension for adding to the cart and many more.

Delallo | Website
This website sells nationally recognized Italian and Mediterranean food. As a full-stack developer, 我从零开始在Magento创建了这个网站,并根据客户的需求开发了自定义扩展,并优化了速度.
2001 - 2005


Institute of Technology—Nirma University - Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India





jQuery, PayPal API, Salesforce Bulk API, React, Vue


Magento模块,Composer, NGINX


Knockout (Knockout.js)


Magento 1, Magento API, Magento, Magento 2, WooCommerce, Magento扩展开发, cPanel, WordPress, BigCommerce, Shopify


PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, CSS4, HTML5


MySQL, Elasticsearch,数据库


Marketplace Platforms

Industry Expertise

Project Management


Front-end Development, APIs, eCommerce, Payment Gateways, Performance Tuning, WordPress Plugins, Web Services, Architecture, PayPal, PWA, Shopify Customizations, Lilt, WordPress Multisite, Front-end, Back-end Development, Back-end, Stripe Marketplace, Marketplace Design, Software Development, Marketplaces, Audits, Page Speed Optimization, Site Speed Optimization

Collaboration That Works

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