Jason RT Bond,加拿大安大略省多伦多的开发商
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Jason RT Bond

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Game Design Developer

Toronto, ON, Canada
Toptal Member Since
May 13, 2017

Jason在视频游戏,虚拟/增强现实和3D资产方面拥有超过十年的经验. 他是Unity引擎方面的专家,可以使用各种各样的平台(web, mobile, PC/Mac, game consoles). 他更喜欢多学科的方法——同时拥有游戏设计和编码背景, 以及在视听内容创作管道方面的经验.


Unity3D, 3D,资产,Python,自动化,CAD
Bunch Live
3D游戏,Unity, Photon, Quantum, ECS, Unity3D AI, iOS应用设计,c#, Unity3D...
Metaphor VR
Unity3D, VR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, c#, Unity SDK, Unity Pro...




Preferred Environment

C#, Unity3D, ARKit, Unity, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Game Design, Game Development, Python

The most amazing...


Work Experience

3D Asset Automation Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
  • 设计并开发了一个管道,用于将CAD设计自动转换为适合web的3D资产, augmented reality, and product configurators.
  • 开发并详细记录了大量基于python的工具.
  • 与产品负责人、美术总监以及其他部门负责人密切合作,开发满足大公司需求的渠道, as a senior engineer.
技术:Unity3D, 3D,资产,Python,自动化,CAD

Lead Game Developer

2021 - 2022
Bunch Live
  • 为嵌入在大型社交应用中的“虚拟世界”开发原型和核心架构.
  • 在Unity中设计和开发自定义3D角色系统.
  • 使用Photon Quantum(一款多人游戏ECS引擎)构建核心游戏逻辑和从头开始的动作系统, 以Unity作为前端.
  • 在3-5人的团队中担任高级开发人员,直至发行.
Technologies: 3D游戏,Unity, Photon, Quantum, ECS, Unity3D AI, iOS应用设计,c#, Unity3D, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Multiplayer, Unity Networking & LAN, Unity3D Pathfinding, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Game Development, Games, Mobile Games, Mobile Game Development, Unity Game Assets, Social Games, iOS, Android, Unity Shaders, JetBrains Rider, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Game AI, Unity Timeline, Unity Test Framework (UTF), Blender, Metaverse, Agile Software Development, Game Physics, Automated Testing, Dependency Injection

Unity Engineer

2021 - 2021
Metaphor VR
  • 根据客户的设计,开发文本隐喻原型,转化为手势驱动的虚拟现实环境.
  • 独立开发Unity和c#,处理场景构建(类似于关卡设计).
  • 将概念抽象为模块单元,以方便非程序员将来的工作.
Technologies: Unity3D, VR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, c#, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Sensor Data, Unity Game Assets, Unity, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Game Tools Development, Oculus, Dependency Injection, Virtual Environments

首席软件工程师| Farhaven联合制作人

2019 - 2021
Patch & Path LLC
  • 为iOS平台开发了一款增强现实冒险电子游戏.
  • 参与了从早期到发布的设计和生产.
  • 创建用于创建故事和谜题场景的自定义编辑工具,而无需额外的代码工作.
  • 开发了在给定空间内动态放置所需对象的算法, using all available surfaces, and optimizing for spacing, orientation, and more.
  • 通过Unity的AR基础框架利用最新的ARKit功能.
技术:增强现实(AR), Unity3D, ARKit, 3D Games, Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Video Games, Game Development, Unity3D AI, iOS App Design, C#, Mixed Reality Developer, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Unity-ARkit-Plugin, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Games, Mobile Games, Unity Game Assets, Unity, iOS, Android, ARCore, Unity2D, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, GLSL, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Game AI, Unity Timeline, Unity Test Framework (UTF), Blender, UX Design, Game Physics, Automated Testing, Dependency Injection

Mobile AR Unity Developer

2019 - 2019
QLI, Inc.
  • 为iOS和Android开发了一个小的AR应用程序,可以在图片中动画人脸.
  • 为支持的设备实现了ARKit面部跟踪.
  • 导出的视频在Unity内生成到本地照片/视频应用程序.
Technologies: Unity2D, Unity3D, ARKit, Augmented Reality (AR), Video Players, Android, iOS, C#, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity-ARkit-Plugin, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Unity Game Assets, Unity, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, GLSL, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Blender, Dependency Injection

Virtual Reality Unity Developer

2018 - 2019
Mind Brain Behaviour Hive
  • 利用定制可穿戴设备的生物识别数据作为输入,创建了虚拟现实体验.
  • 使用Unity引擎为Google Daydream和HTC Vive开发.
  • 根据用户的生物特征数据制作角色和环境动画.
  • 使用c#网络代码与主机进行通信,获取生物特征数据.
Technologies: Biometrics, Google Daydream, HTC Vive, Unity3D, Sensor Data, Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Reality App Design, Wearables, Networking, Unity, C#, Mindfulness, Mixed Reality Developer, VR Interfaces, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity Networking & LAN, Unity Game Assets, MonoDevelop, ShaderLab, Git, Git Repo, Game AI, Dependency Injection, Virtual Environments

Unity AR Developer

2018 - 2019
Clipo, Inc.
  • 领导使用Unity引擎和苹果ARKit开发一款概念应用.
  • 为进一步发展提供指导和建议.
  • 使用极其模块化的代码和依赖注入构建应用程序.
技术:依赖注入, ARKit, Unity3D, Augmented Reality (AR), Video Players, Particle Effects, VR Interfaces, iOS App Design, C#, Mixed Reality Developer, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity Video API, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Unity-ARkit-Plugin, Unity3D Pathfinding, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Planning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Unity Game Assets, Unity, iOS, Android, Unity2D, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, ShaderLab, GLSL, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Game AI, Unity Test Framework (UTF), UX Design, Automated Testing

Director | Owner

2011 - 2019
Blunderboffins, Inc.
  • 利用这家公司自主发行我的独立电子游戏作品. Blunderboffins成立于2013年.
  • 为各种设备(包括PC/Mac、网页和手机)制作了大量小型电子游戏.
  • Co-designed, coded, 并为《欧博体育app下载》创造了视觉艺术,这款沙盒游戏获得了2014年加拿大电子游戏奖最佳社交/休闲游戏的提名.
  • 研究和实验互动故事技巧, 其中包括一部由安大略省艺术委员会资助创作的长篇小说《欧博体育app下载》.
  • 编写模拟生态系统的算法和植物区系的程序生成(舒氏园林).
  • 使用地图数据创建多伦多市的模拟,用户可以扮演当地的野生动物(Greater Toronto Animalia). 由多伦多艺术委员会资助.
技术:增强现实(AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Web, MacOS, Windows, Android, iOS, Unity3D, C#, 3D Games, 2D Games, Mobile Game Design, Mobile Game Development, Mobile Games, Console Games, Video Games, Games, Game Design, Game Design Documentation, Android App Design, iOS App Design, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Multiplayer, Unity3D Pathfinding, Mobile App Development, Game Development, Unity Game Assets, Unity, Social Games, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, JetBrains Rider, ShaderLab, GLSL, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Game AI, Unity Timeline, Unity Test Framework (UTF), Blender, Java, Animation, UX Design, Game Physics, Automated Testing, Oculus, Dependency Injection, Virtual Environments

Unity/ARKit Engineer

2017 - 2018
Fast Rope Labs
  • 设计并协助设计一个基于arkit的应用程序.
  • 创建了一个增强现实应用程序,将虚拟世界锚定在现实世界的位置,并在当今的遗址上提供了一个历史的再现.
  • 为项目的交互设计和视觉方面做出了贡献.
Technologies: ARKit, Unity, Augmented Reality (AR), Unity3D, Shaders, Unity Shaders, Adobe Illustrator, Particle Effects, User Interface (UI), Interaction Design (IxD), GPS, Unity3D AI, iOS App Design, C#, Mixed Reality Developer, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Unity-ARkit-Plugin, Unity3D Pathfinding, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Planning, Unity Game Assets, iOS, Android, MonoDevelop, ShaderLab, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Game AI, UX Design, Dependency Injection

VR Consultant

2016 - 2017
Mind Brain Behaviour Hive
  • 使用名为DiVR的专有VR体验编辑器创建示例内容.
  • 连接可穿戴生物识别设备作为输入的体验.
  • 为该工具集的alpha版本提供质量保证服务.
  • 对工具集的进一步开发提供技术和设计指导.
技术:虚拟现实(VR), Web-based VR, Wearables, Biometrics, VR Interfaces, Sensor Data, Mindfulness, Virtual Environments

Unity Virtual Reality Developer

2016 - 2017
Postopian Games, Inc.
  • 实现了一个具有互动故事内容的虚拟现实视频游戏.
  • 设计美术流水线的技术规范.
  • 是否负责使用Unity引擎的所有核心开发以及Google Cardboard和Daydream的设计.
Technologies: Google Cardboard, C#, Unity3D, Dependency Injection, Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Reality App Design, Google Daydream, Game Design, Mobile Game Design, Mobile Games, Game Design Documentation, Game Development, 3D Games, Android App Design, iOS App Design, VR Interfaces, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Mobile Game Development, Unity Game Assets, Unity, iOS, Android, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, GLSL, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Virtual Environments

Unity Engine Consultant

2016 - 2016
Secret Location
  • 修改了一个VR视频观看应用的原型.
  • 使用Unity Game引擎实现虚拟现实(VR)提供技术指导.
  • 为上述原型提供设计指导和实现多个用户体验模型.
Technologies: Samsung Gear VR, C#, Unity3D, Video Players, Video Effects, Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Reality App Design, Unity Video API, Unity, VR Interfaces, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Mobile App Development, Android, MonoDevelop, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Agile Software Development, Virtual Environments

Unity Consultant

2016 - 2016
Digital A.I.R.
  • 为一家增强现实初创公司提供技术指导.
  • 使用Unity引擎中的各种AR工具包创建并帮助创建各种增强原型.
  • 为创建AR体验提供设计指导.
Technologies: SmartAR, Kudan SDK, Vuforia, C#, Unity3D, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Shaders, User Interface (UI), iOS App Design, Mixed Reality Developer, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Unity3D Pathfinding, Mobile App Development, Planning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Unity Game Assets, Vuforia SDK, Unity, iOS, Android, Unity2D, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, GLSL, GitHub, Git, Git Repo, Shader Technologies, Game Tools Development, Game AI, Agile Software Development, UX Design, Virtual Environments


2012 - 2015
AWE Company Ltd
  • 创造具有历史戏剧内容的增强现实装置.
  • 管理团队成员制作二屏电视剧集和互动app.
  • 为虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)应用程序创建了各种原型.
  • 主要使用Unity3D,使用各种AR和VR sdk和设备.
Technologies: Tango, Google Cardboard, Meta AR Glasses, C#, Unity3D, Unity, Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Reality App Design, Google VR, Augmented Reality (AR), Android App Design, iOS App Design, Mixed Reality Developer, Unity SDK, Unity Pro, Multiplayer, Unity Networking & LAN, Unity3D Pathfinding, Unity Editor Scripting, Mobile App Development, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Planning, Unity Game Assets, Vuforia, Vuforia SDK, iOS, Android, Unity2D, MonoDevelop, Unity Shaders, Git, Git Repo, GPS, Shader Technologies, Game AI, Oculus, Virtual Environments

Lead Story Designer

2008 - 2011
AAA Game Studio (Toronto, Canada)
  • 研究原始资料并为一款故事性较强的AAA级动作游戏编写草稿脚本.
  • 与编剧和剧本设计团队一起修改剧本.
  • 协助录音和动作捕捉会话.
  • 指导四人团队制作引擎内过场动画, 包括美术指导和进度管理.
  • 创建了一个丰富的脚本编写工具,为演员和导演制作行业标准的脚本, 以及七种语言的游戏数据字幕.
  • 监控和编辑游戏、手册和网站中的文本材料.
  • 在过去的5个月里,我领导了一款手机社交游戏的本土化工作.
技术:Trac, c#, Playstation 3, Xbox 360,游戏设计,写作 & Editing, Game Design Documentation, Console Games, 3D Games, Games, Mobile Games, Video Game Consoles, Android

Teacher | Course Developer

2008 - 2008
Real Programming 4 Kids
  • 为4-12年级的孩子教授编程课程,包括Visual Basic, Java和c#.
  • 开发c#入门课程,让学生使用Windows窗体创建2D游戏.
  • 构思了一门c#高级课程,学生使用XNA和Xbox 360创建了一个3D游戏.
  • 创建并教授高级Java课程,学生创建了一个基于像素的碰撞检测的2D游戏.
Technologies: 2D Games, 3D Games, C#, Java, Visual Basic, Education, K-12 Education, Video Games, Games, Game Design, Game Development, Windows, Windows Forms (WinForms), XNA, Xbox 360

增强现实游戏的移动- Farhaven

使用Unity引擎及其AR基础框架构建的iPhone AR游戏(ARKit).

我是首席开发者,负责关卡设计相关任务, scripting, animation, sound, and more.

Ported also to Android.

介绍Unity类在DreamSpace Hive

这是一个简短的游戏开发入门课程. 我计划并在DreamSpace Hive(由DreamSpace Academy运营)举办这个研讨会,作为2022年在Batticaloa举行的数字自然主义会议的一部分, Sri Lanka. 学生使用Unity和视觉脚本学习了一些基本的游戏开发概念(Bolt).

独立游戏- Shu's Garden (2013-2015)

《欧博体育app下载》是一款面向PC、Mac、iOS和Android平台的2D沙盒电子游戏. 这是一个悠闲的空间园艺世界,有着鲜活的生态系统和程序化的内容. 该游戏被提名为2014年加拿大电子游戏奖最佳社交/休闲游戏.

我是这款游戏的首席开发者、联合游戏设计师和首席视觉美工. 它是使用Unity引擎创建的,并通过我的公司Blunderboffins Inc .自行发行.

Ancient Demo Reel (2013–2015)

我所从事的这个较早的项目样本包括增强现实, virtual reality, mobile, interactive installations, and original video games.

自这个卷轴制作以来,AR技术已经发生了很大的变化, 所以这主要是为了展示我在这个领域的一些历史.
2005 - 2006

Bachelor's Degree in Education


2001 - 2005




嵌入式机器学习导论(证书编号. ZQ8224DELWSN)

Edge Impulse | via Coursera


深度学习专业(证书编号. KXU7CEXKVVDH)

DeepLearning.ai | via Coursera


Machine Learning



Artificial Intelligence Planning




多伦多大学| Coursera


c#, ShaderLab, GLSL, Cg, Python, Java, Prolog, Visual Basic, Rust


Unity Pro, ARKit, Unity, Unity3D, Unity2D, Photon Unity Networking (PUN), Photon


SmartAR, Unity SDK, Vuforia SDK, Kudan SDK, Fuse, MonoDevelop, Adobe Illustrator, Unity-ARkit-Plugin, Premiere Pro 2017, Premiere Pro CC, SourceTree, Adobe Premiere Pro, Microsoft Visual Studio, Skype, Slack, GitLab, Git, GitHub, Blender, JetBrains Rider, PyCharm, Trac, HoloLens, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, CAD


Mobile Game Design, Dependency Injection, App Development, UX Design, Agile Software Development, Automated Testing, Automation


ARCore, MacOS, Google VR, Windows, Vuforia, Samsung Gear VR, Oculus, iOS, Android, Oculus Rift, Google Daydream, Web, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Tango, Apple, Jupyter Notebook, Arduino


Unity Cloud Build


GPS, Mobile Game Development, Mobile Games, Games, Game Development, Unity3D AI, Kudan, Google Cardboard, Android App Design, iOS App Design, Augmented Reality (AR), Writing & Editing, Virtual Reality App Design, Procedural Generation, VR Interfaces, 3D Games, Virtual Reality (VR), Game Design, Video Games, Game Design Documentation, Unity Shaders, Game Physics, 2D Games, Freelancing, Mixed Reality (MR), Extended Reality (XR), Mixed Reality Developer, Unity Editor Scripting, Unity3D Pathfinding, Multiplayer, Unity Game Assets, Computer Science, English, Game Tools Development, Game AI, Unity Timeline, Virtual Environments, User Interface (UI), Git Repo, Console Games, Shader Technologies, Video Editing, Creative Coding, Creative Tech, Design, GUI Design, Video Game Consoles, Particle Effects, Shaders, Social Games, Meta AR Glasses, HTC Vive, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Mobile App Development, Quantum, ECS, Unity Networking & LAN, Unity3D Native Plugin Interface, Education, K-12 Education, Unity Visual Scripting, Unity Test Framework (UTF), Metaverse, Planning, GPT, Bevy, Web-based VR, Biometrics, Video Players, Video Effects, Interaction Design (IxD), Sensor Data, PlayStation VR, Animation, Deep Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), 卷积神经网络(CNN), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Sequence Models, Neural Networks, Wearables, Networking, Mindfulness, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), 3D, Assets


XNA, TensorFlow, Unity Video API, Windows Forms (WinForms)

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